best of 2019

Best of 2019!

What a year it’s been! We fought the elements from torrential rain to high winds and bright sunshine, incoming tides, steep cliffs, made our way through muddy fields, ran away from cows…just to get our ‘poster shots’. I photographed intimate elopements with just the two of you and huge gatherings with family and friends from near and far. Sorry for all of you having to put up with my messy hair at the end of the day! I enjoyed being a part of every single celebration and feel honoured to document so much joy and happiness. I can’t tell you enough how blessed I feel to have such a great job. Thanks for confiding in me and have a great 2020, can’t wait to meet all the couples booked in with me this year soon! Love to you all you soppy lot!

Here is a collection of my favourite moments in 2019, I hope you like it… xxx